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Everything retro - big and small! Live from Perth, Australia!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Operation 'Console Shelf' is a Go

Two posts ago I detailed the plan to construct a shelf type thing for my consoles. Since then I've made up a proper plan (coming to the conclusion that 7cm between shelves is ridiculous), brought the necessary supplies and started building. I was 1cm off at how long I wanted my wood to be, and found some that were nearly 2cm thick and even better at 24cm wide. From there I made this plan:

Probably should have used grid paper. 
I also changed the placement of the middle beams so the weight would be more equally distributed. Also 20cm in-between shelves is a lot more realistic than 7cm.
The building so far is still in it's infant stages, but so far I've marked the wood up and cut out the beams. I have three more cuts to go, which I should get done tomorrow. Hopefully me posting that here won't jinx me and I'll actually get it done.

Some pictures:

Feels weird posting a picture of outside on a gaming blog. I guess this is proof that it does indeed exist. 

All my manly tools. 
After I've cut all the wood I need to sand down the pieces so they're to size to the mil. From there I will drill the holes, actually assemble it and then apply the varnish. After that it will be done, and I'll have to find something else to blog about.


  1. Nice project mate! :)

    You wrote:

    "Feels weird posting a picture of outside on a gaming blog. I guess this is proof that it does indeed exist."

    Had to smile when reading that one. :D Hehe..

  2. Thanks :D I should hopefully have the building done this week as I was waiting on a working sander but now I have one.

  3. Dude,
    This article was posted on my birthday, which makes it extra cool.
    Awesome console shelf. Building your own stuff is the best.

  4. I guess in honour of your birthday, I should actually finish the damn thing.

  5. Dude, you're living the dream!

    Although I don't have a custom made console storage area, I do have ALL of my consoles out now and it really is a great to have them all staring at me ready to be used within a few minutes of wire fiddling.

    Good luck with this, I'm really interested to see how this turns out.

  6. I agree, nothing beats the feeling of been able to access every single one of your games at anyone time - as well as how awesome it always looks.
    By the way, about the shelf. I'm about to write another post on it's progress (of sorts).
